- Terms of use 1.1. The use of the ‘MyMetalglas’ software (hereinafter Software) provided by Metalglas Bonomi Srl (hereinafter Metalglas) is subject to compliance with these Terms of Use. 1.2. Use of the Software implies the tacit acceptance of the Terms of Use in their current version, or, in case of information update, of the license terms previously agreed with Metalglas.
- Copyright 2.1. The Software is owned by Metalglas, which prohibits its reproduction to the public.
- Intellectual property 3.1. The information contained in the Software cannot be modified, copied, reproduced, sold, loaned, exploited, supplied, or otherwise used without the prior written authorization of Metalglas.
- Services 4.1. The Software produces hypotheses of illustrative and exemplifying nature in relation to the glass drilling of some selected products of the Metalglas catalogue, and does not replace the technical support of specialized professionals, nor exempts from verifying the correctness of the processed data comparing them with those indicated in the catalogue and in the Metalglas technical manual.
- Contents 5.1. Metalglas is not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, and omissions of the Software, nor for any damages of any kind, direct or indirect, deriving from its use. 5.2. The technical information contained in the Software may not always correspond to the current colours, sizes, and dimensions of the products sold by Metalglas.
- Modification of contents 6.1. Metalglas, in pursuit of a policy of constant innovation and improvement, reserves the right to change the technical specifications of its products without notice, therefore, the Software data may no longer be updated with respect to current products. 6.2. Metalglas Srl also reserves the right to change or modify the information contained in the Software and the Conditions of Use at any time, without notice.